Saturday, November 30, 2019

Judging a Music Genre by Its Cover Essay Example

Judging a Music Genre by Its Cover Essay Judging someone or something, good or bad, is a natural habit we all have. Malcolm Gladwell says â€Å"The ability of our unconscious to find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experiences† (23). This sentence explains the theory of â€Å"thin-slicing† which are the snap judgments we make is and small amount of time. They are a part of the unconscious mind, which is the automatic response process we have when it comes to memory, motivation, thought process and many other. (Gladwell 21 ). You may never even recognize that some of the things you do, but just because that habit comes to you so naturally you’ll do it in a split second and won’t think twice about it. In this paper I want to discuss the one of the various ways we can thin-slice a certain genre of music based on what you already know about it. Im not doing it just to show you how exactly thin-slicing works but also to show how at times it necessarily doesnt work. H ow you can absolutely hate something, for in this instance rap, just because of the popular icons that come to mind but at the same time you can actually still like rap. This may sound confusing but once you give it a chance and flip a couple pages you might find something you really enjoy. Music is something that has been around as longs people have been on this planet and has been a big part of many lives. From its beginning to now different ways to make a beat and they way you sing a song. New artist come up a lot and change the way you view that genre and there are artist that stay with the basic ways of how that genre was all about. When a certain genre of music is said we get an idea in our head of a popular artist and what kind of music they are associated with. If I were to ask you, â€Å"what is country music like?† Most people who listen would probably say that it’s peaceful, relaxing, or maybe comforting. Then I could ask well, â€Å"what kind of people listen to heav We will write a custom essay sample on Judging a Music Genre by Its Cover specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Judging a Music Genre by Its Cover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Judging a Music Genre by Its Cover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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